It adopts carriage counter weight to balance the constant of the hanging load, and crank counter weight to balance the variety, an ideal balanceable effect is obtained. 采用小车平衡重平衡悬点载荷的常量部分,采用曲柄平衡重平衡悬点载荷的变量部分,可获得理想的平衡效果;
For a constant impedance load or a constant current load, if regulating the secondary voltage by making the changer ratio higher, the primary voltage will get much lower while the load power is restoring, and the power will then lose balance. 对于恒阻抗和恒电流型负荷,在变比上调恢复副边电压的情况下,负荷功率恢复,又使原边电压下降,可使系统功率失去平衡;